

The variant's title.
skunull | stringOptional
The variant's SKU.
eannull | stringOptional
The variant's EAN.
upcnull | stringOptional
The variant's UPC.
barcodenull | stringOptional
The variant's barcode.
hs_codenull | stringOptional
The variant's HS code.
mid_codenull | stringOptional
The variant's MID code.
Whether the variant can be ordered even if it's out of stock.
Whether Medusa should manage the variant's inventory. If disabled, the variant is always considered in stock.
The variant's ranking among its sibling variants.
weightnull | numberOptional
The variant's weight.
lengthnull | numberOptional
The variant's length.
heightnull | numberOptional
The variant's height.
widthnull | numberOptional
The variant's width.
origin_countrynull | stringOptional
The variant's origin country.
materialnull | stringOptional
The variant's material.
metadatanull | Record<string, unknown>Optional
Key-value pairs of custom data.
The variant's prices.
optionsRecord<string, string>Optional
The variant's values for the associated product's options.
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